What to do if you think you may have COVID-19

COVID-19 symptoms most commonly experienced include: fevers, cough and difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Developing body aches, runny nose, sore throat, nasal congestion or diarrhea is also possible. In some cases people who are infected will not exhibit any symptoms, though most people experience a mild form of the disease, similar to a cold or flu virus. Certain groups of people may experience more serious illness, including older people (over the age of 65) and those with a history of medical conditions such as decreased immunity, high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic lung disease, chronic kidney disease or diabetes.

The current strain, known as COVID-19, is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.

  • Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
  • Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.

If you have any of the above symptoms and can answer yes to one or both of the following questions, then we ask that you stay at home and call the office to speak to a nurse before presenting to the office.

  1. Have you been in contact with anyone who either has been diagnosed with Coronavirus/COVID-19 and/or someone who is under investigation for having Coronavirus/COVID-19?
  2. Have you recently traveled to any of the following areas in the last 2 weeks?
    1. China
    2. Iran
    3. Italy
    4. Japan
    5. South Korea

Once we have established your risks, we will contact the Health Department, that will then contact you to arrange for testing.

In the meantime, if you suspect you may have COVID-19, we ask that you do the following:

  • Stay at home. You might consider leaving home in order to seek medical care if your symptoms are severe, otherwise it is important to remain at home. Call before seeking medical care in a clinic or healthcare facility; the staff will be able to give you information on where to go upon arrival to prevent exposing other people to the illness.
  • Isolate yourself. Staying in a room away from other people in your home is an important way to decrease the risk of your family or friends getting exposed to the virus. Use a bathroom that is separate from everyone else in the home if one is available. Is it also recommended to stay away from any pets that live with you. Although there is no known transmission between companion animals (such as dogs or cats) at this time, it is advisable not to be in close proximity to your pets until more is understood about the virus. You should discuss with your healthcare provider when it is okay to be out in public again.
  • Wear a face mask. If you have symptoms suspicious of COVID-19, wear a face mask to prevent spread of the illness both at home and if you go to a medical facility for care. People that live at home with you should also wear a face mask if they are in the same room as you. Gloves can also be used for additional protection from the virus.
  • Follow the same precautions as with any other virus. This includes washing your hands frequently, disinfecting hard surfaces (table tops, door knobs, keyboards, for example), covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and avoiding sharing cups or utensils while sick.

If your symptoms progress in severity, go to the ER, but call ahead to let them know you are coming and may have COVID-19 so that appropriate precautions can be followed.

If you have further questions/concerns, please visit/call the following:

Tarrant County Public Health

CDC-Center for Disease Control

  • https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

WHO – World Health Organization

  • https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses

Catalyst Health Network